Join us at the Open Data Day 2019 – Saturday, March 2nd 2019 in Munich at WERK1.
Once a year, governments, citizens and the IT community worldwide discuss open data and its benefits to the public. We will celebrate this day in Munich and the city of Munich invites all creators, lateral thinkers and networkers for the fifth time to the Open Data Hackathon 2019.
Open Data Hackathon 2019
On March 02, 2019, from 9am to 4pm at WERK1 – Grafinger Str. 6, 81671 Munich – you can joins us at the Hackathon to discuss and develop ideas about the future of smart cities, open data, mobility, environment and society.
More about the Open Data Hackathon 2019 at the Munich IT-Blog :
Open Data from the city of Munich
There will be several datasets available for the Hackathon with contact persons:
- Environmental data and pollutant measurements
- Cycling and cycling routes (including bicycle counting stations, bike-sharing data)
- Further mobility data for public transport
- Geodata of the city
- Data records of the Open Data Portal
More suggestions and contributions are of course welcome!
Join us to celebrate the Open Data Day 2019 in Munich
If you want to joins us to celebrate the Open Data Day 2019 in Munich, please register now.